Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Bump On My Pinky Finger

surprise. 2.-

Tuesday June 22 will be sunny all l dia_hablo a lady in the tele_ and today will be an exciting match Mexico vs Uruguay.

take control of the TV and turn it off, would not had much sleep and wake up as the holiday was clases.Me would not have cost much much get out of bed but she finally gave logre.Me dressed and get a growth spurt for breakfast.
With yasu what brought me last time, me hise refried beans with a little chilakiles (love the chilakiles nn) also served me some juice naranja.Cuando finished washing dishes and I prepare to quit, so I hear touching the door, but no one was opened just a letter lying on the floor board and started reading:

Today will be a day that never forget I hope you like and you have to do everything you diga.Primero back to your room and look in your history book a green dot that tells you the path.

who will be planning the children? Asia _pense while indicating the note.

Take my history book and started to look for the famous green dot, I found a picture of parke "tree's reservations" on the other side of the city.

u.uU alla_acomode pork to send me the book in its lugar_espero fence not be silly.

Take my favorite jacket, the keys to the house and went out due to the park, while touring the city expected to see some of my other friends such as the hedgehog There, a long black bristles with tufts color roses and pink eyes , kind, sympathetic, funny, cute, fun and alegre.Es one of the friends that I love and appreciate more, it is rare not to see me on the street since it is also very restless and likes going for walks through the streets of the city.
In short, I decided to speed things up and get faster and not two minutes passed when I get a message to the phone, I stopped and I read it.

can not run ò.ó_pare trap that is read and one name came to me in mente_inner_continue leyendo_tu punishment will go to school and look in the yard a package that is hidden in one of the trees.
^ ^.

inner ¬ ¬ damn school is 30 blocks from where the rumbo_ estoy_cambie uu nimodo.

When porphine! reach the school entrance jimena expected to see the hedgehog and the hedgehog raven.
Jimena is a purple bristles, the tufts have a darker purple, his eyes are dark brown Amiel, is very spontaneous, joyful, fearless, honest and graciosa.Raven is the younger sister of shadow is the same appearance her brother but she has darker locks is very Revelde, reckless and aggrecan, but also very good friend, loyal and kind to his amigos.Me escubulli for the mayor did not see me enter the patio.Ddure two hours looking for that pakete until at last I found a tree of the fondo.Lo would and inside it contained a ticket to the skating ice skates and another note:

that beautiful ice skating, it's fun to knock down the pet, bring down some skaters and play video games.
The video arcade is a guy who thinks the best is defeated in battle virtual.Si will receive a reward, ho and more ice skating closed Tuesday at 4:00 good luck.

Quee! _mire The clock and it was 3:30 am _As can run but I can not ... if I can skate.

Luckily the ice skates were not pabimento if not, that is, they had wheels in line, I put them and shot at skating hielo.Di the ballot and between the fast search this little game and I take great surprise.

knuckles?! el_que aces _me approach here?
like here, I'm a champion in battle and came to a tone demostrar_hablo orgullo_soy best.

ajajajjaja n.n_no laugh that could prevent knuckle hoist that bothered.

that you laugh loba_apreto fists.

you do not you get me or look batalla_lo heels

so challenging? Provar_se want to put the virtual reality helmet.

demostrar_me I'm going to put the helmet.

wore a helmet when I saw a dry forest and burned, it was cloudy and there was a tormenta.Vi the knuckles with a medieval-era clothes, a sword and a shield, I had a cloak with a hood in black as the echizeros of movies and my hand was still dark, my dark izo rare since only appears when I call.

echizera time to fight! _comenzo Running in my direction.

echizera?! Dark_como _voltie to see that echizera?!

nose because this game is from medieval times and perhaps the hambientes desperto_intento me an answer.

grrrr! _blandio His sword.

Aaaa! 0.0_apenas and dodge.

scared? ajajaja_me put back against him and was drawing on my face a sonrrisa_que gives you such grace.

That's it? Assumption felt courtyard and went flying into a arbol_ estrellandoce (if dark then appeared devo be careful with my powers)

Grrr .. I'll get liz! _vino Running with everything I could. Uu

and bored me and I have no time to be playing with tigo_ raised my hand and this is filled with dark energy consentrada into a sphere.

gulp * o.0 are you gonna do? _freno And backed away.

end this pelea_lance the field and pulling down knuckle blow to life and winning the game.

I remove the helmet and saw a lot of people who gathered to watch the battle, not give them much importance knuckles just wanted to give to next pista.El I was really angry about losing, I approached him and told him :

Damelo_extendi my mano_ahora.

Ten_me delivered the letter.

Thank you for visiting the ice skating will be closed for the day of hoy_hablo a lady by AltaVista.

tiempo_ just put my skates and sali_Bien me now? Well done

knew we could beat him, we'll give you the ice cream shop recompenza.Ve where ever you go with yasu, make a banana split and eat it todo_deje to read. O.0

all? _trague Saliva_esa thing is huge.

the bottom of the dish comes the next track.
postscript, there is someone there who can help you but you run that at 5:00 it goes.

there, as they love to do this to me "¬ ¬ _vi the clock and it was 4:15 am I'm on skates _if now attained to arrive before 4:30.

not passed two blocks when the runners broke me silent and grasping the pavement (XC I also cry.)

¬ ¬ grrrr (I had prepared really) _me remove the skates and I woke up.

I had no choice but to walk, every time I tried to run I got a message that said "Do not cheat, WALK" and was arta, when I get were I asked the banana split 4:40 and sat at a table (that thing is huge xp) I turned in all directions and found a cream and tails sat eating an ice cream cone, I do not speak much but really needed to leave the table ayuda.Me directed to your table and said,

Cream, tails u.u_casi please help me I kneel.

what happens Miss liz_se rose from his chair.

eso_señale need to finish the huge elado_pero much for a normal person.

if the can not you finish your pediste_pregunto only because the little fox.
is a long-faced puppy look (that I do very well XD) _ ayuedenme please.

well ^ ^ _It mesa_Big sat on my cat also can help?

Big cat is here? _me Get a chill, I turned back and there was el_ big wave ^ ^ U. Liz wave

^ w ^ _me up and hug me X3.

B-Big ... respiro_me not put purple XC.

losiento ^ ^ oh _me solto_como these?

bad because ... I wanted to see if you help me n.nU_me finish that present in the table.

<3 no te importa si me lo acabo?_vio al helado como si lo fuera a extinguir.

amm ... no_tome as a spoon and grab a cacho_pero do not think a and before you finish speaking and there was nothing on the plate only a plastic bag with a note adentro_o.0U thanks.

<3 mmm!!! delicioso_me dio la bolcita_ ten, ya son las 5:00 y nos tenemos que ir.
gracias_abri the bolcita
ok and started to read the note.

looks praying is 5:00 and deseguro these all dirty, hungry and tired, give him 5 times around the entire city running, go home, bathe, eat and sleep till 7:00 am ^ ^. ¬ ¬

all this nada_sali of gelato and prepare for correr_por me at least this time it is running.

shot out of the ice cream shop to end the torture, was so fast that I saw a white streak in my step when the last vat to give back something stopped me.
sonic was felt to be a nuisance who knows pork, approached me and told me I

inaccuracies liz_guiño a ojo_pero nobody is faster than me.

(¬ ¬ a trap I know that I can not resist a challenge) _It drawing a smile on my rostro_quieres provar challenging sonic?

claro_nos pusismos in pose to run out velocidad_en all your marks, get set ... NOT! X3.

went out fired at full speed, the two of them along very even, at times he took the lead and at times I, did not realize that so far we were going, but we importo.No where I realized was that we turned around, I only care about being first to the moment I saw meta.En accelerate the pace to be below that and win, when he saw when he saw that I got on the head I try to run faster. Ivam
very even ran and ran until we reached the goal and we fell over each other.

* _ ° auchh_sobe my head. _._

liz ... get away from encima_estaba reflected on the floor and I was on XDD.

y. .. _me lift and extended my hand to help levantar_quien win?

nose_tomo levanto_que my hand and that if we tried another day ^ ^ nn _mire

clear the TT reloj_ is 6:00 and I will not have time due to my casa_adios descansar_tome sonic. Adios

liz_se ran. Arrive

fast to my house, I went directly to the bathroom and I washed it good>. < apestaba a puro sudor, me seque, me cambie y encuanto me acoste quede dormida profundamente.Estaba muy comoda y dark utilizo una tecnica regeneradora en mi para que recuperara mis fuersas.Sono la alarma, ya eran las 7:00, tome el reloj y apague la alarma:

acer because I will miss all this? _me Seria_que stare at the clock will be planning? Lower

the room and saw an envelope on the table and take what I started to read:

nuy After levantarce is good to leave the park, go to the depths of "The dark roses" blindfolded, not -.- nn afternoon

blindfolded? _tire the note to the basura_que is what will be planning?

Take the keys to my house, went out and closed to go to the park, at least this is closer to my house tadaría llegar.Mire much to aver everywhere if he found the angel sky is a light blue hedgehog and his eyes are the same color.Es one of my best friends is very tender, kind, loving and a little secret this dulce.Y There infatuated indeed very nice to grab my partner but do not say that I said I X3.El lives near the park and loves to come in the evening.

That will be happening? _saque Coloque_a band and me see if I can get without something happens to me.

iva slow at first, playing all the trees to avoid crashing to none in that peculiar aroma detected, it was something that had never smelled while I was familiar asia. Segui
aroma, every time I approached asia is stronger, in that I feel someone stops me I react and I stood for something acer but before he said:

yasu_no Tranquila_era voice arem you harm. We will make

? _me Remove the bandage.

I was surprised what I saw all my friends prepared a fiesta.Colgando two trees had a sign that said "Happy birthday liz" in a table was a cake with candles, another was full of my friends were regalos.Todos jime there, there, raven, inner, yasu and angel.Yo sky was still, no words came out I was just me seeing them, Yasuo came up behind me took my shoulders and whispered softly in his ear: Happy Birthday

liz_sonrio_te like?

... yasu_gracias _voltie and hugged.

0 / / / 0_se blush.

group hug ^ w ^ _llego jime and we hug.

if! _llegaron Everyone else and we embraced.

We were pushing very hard, we'll stick grabbing more and more; yasu was rojisimo (XD how nice) because I was the one that stuck más.Nos yasu let go when we saw was an arm pulled me jitomate.There to the cake, it looked very good ^ w ^, I sang happy birthday and blow out the candles but .. did not eat the cake, instead of a war ISIM pastel.Mientras someone were in the war came.

tardansa_de Hey guys sorry for the lost dani_me nothing came of the "I throw a piece of pie in the face.

nn nada_me not you missed some cake rolled together.

that if eh? _It Clean the cara_atrapala ^^!!_ vetun throw the vetun and hit me in the face.

ajajajaj n.n_continuamos war. Daniel

the hedgehog a black hedgehog with red eyes, is the funniest person in the world, kind, funny, loyal, and cariñoso.Su comprencivo passion is bothering me, read legends and attractions encantados.Si looking for someone with who have a good time you should look to it.
finished our "war" all full of vetun, I was eating (it was very good nn) There had already been cleaned vetun but I'm something in your mouth, sky angel approached her and said "let me ayudartecon this ^ ^ "approached him and kissed him tiernamente.Todos stood watching us and she was rojisima XD, clean place and we all went to his house exept yasu accompany me to my house, we enter and leave the gifts in the table, I approached yasu and said

because isieron this? assumption felt confused look.

Liz's your birthday we had to hit algo_sonrio dulcemente_además you had fun and were very happy, you have not looked much happiness in your face .

after the incident did not celebrate my sad cumple_mire floor.

not get asi_me volume of the chin and get up to see it.
thanks hug and could not help but mourn.
abrazo_casi que_me I responded on a bolcita olvida_saco your pantalon_ten.

it is? _abri The bolcita and remove a silver necklace heart shaped with a button that opened.

want to say something liz_se sat on the sillon_ven.

si_me present at his side.

continue ...


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