discomfort. 1.-PRESENTATION
like every morning I woke up at 5:30 in the morning to run a little in the park, went straight after running the shower, I went out, I change and get to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast for yasu before it reached for me I go to the escuela.Baje and opened the refrigerator, but ...
u.uU no refri_mmm nada_cerre door ... _._ Starvation.
* toc toc toc * _tocaron the puerta_ Abreme liz me.
take the keys and opened the door when I opened yasu saw a bag of groceries very fat and it came with an sonrrisa in the face. ^ ^ Hello
liz esto_como bags I brought him the iso covered their faces to the side to see it. Yasu
know I do not like being told esto_le agas with a somewhat annoying.
but lack grabs you and for me there is no problema_entro and leave the bags on a table I have in the room.
not like I have lastima_cruse arms. Olle
are friends I'm not grabbing it for lastima_me explico_ and you're ready to go?
if, just let go of my bag and we were addressed to the vamos_me stairs.
bien_ sat on the sofa and turned on the TV a.
went up and took my backpack on my bed, gave me a chill felt that someone was watching me, look everywhere but saw nothing, I approached the window and noticed that it seemed that was clouding was gonna see a very strong storm . Take my cell phone and dial him to inner.
good? _It Hear over the phone. Inner
am looking out the window. Liz
wave because they have not? _
being generated a _no tormenta_ have no abyss?
not, by the time No_
alla_me well and we go to put my mochila_si anything changes call me immediately.
bien_colgo the phone.
fast down the stairs, take a yasu of the hand and pull to get up off the sofa and TV. Olle
because such a hurry? _cerro The door and handed me.
want to know if suspend cielo_parece clases_mire to open a big storm.
season but we do not see lluvia_me miro_ bizarre.
anyway this gripping tarde_ we start walking.
well ^ _ ^ I followed.
while ivam for school we began to blur more and more the sky to the extent that when we got to school the sky was black, by the storm clouds began to thunder generarce very strong, but fell not only offer not one Raindrop>. <.
In the inner entrance was waiting for us with a face full of happiness seemed as if we were to make big news.
guys ^ ^ _llego wave excited.
that happens so happy? _le Picaron_ finally said a girl told you that if an appointment ajaja ^ ^. ¬ ¬ callate
yasu_se stood in front of him.
calm down and the two I'm not his niñera_ I got in through the dos_ that bring us inner news?
today arem only review and we go home X3_me given a role that sent the address to the students.
these if they are good fit noticias_me yasu paper.
well let's go the sooner we go over saldremos_me soon were addressed to the front door.
followed bien_me inner and yasu.
Our salon is located on the 4 floor of the building to the back where nobody wants to be, is where are the best teachers but where are the strongest in the school, let alone as a place for us reserbado that we like to fight. In this place you can find shadow the hedgehog one of the strongest conosco, rouge the bat she is a hunter so jewelry has experienza in fighting, knuckles the echidna that guy has serious anger management problems -.- to scourge the hedgehog he is totally traumatized to be bad juunto with his girlfriend fiona the fox. And they are examples of what you can find there and the building across t find the "good people" and would be sonic the hedgehog, amy rose, tails, cream the rabit, etc ...
when we went up to 4 flat for the door I found the misfortune of nature ...
q tal t hi liz go? _llego Wave -.- bother you care
pajarraca_la ise on one side and enter the room but ... Olle
that way is that to talk to me! _me Pulled the arm. Let go wave_le
asecina_no'll want to take a look back at the hospital soon.
wave is very angry, I wanted revenge for what he had echo asia so I pulled her and slapped me, I do not look I just put my hand on my cachete.Ella laughed dicendo laughter "you win", he turned and began to say: temanme all that today I won a liz the wolf ajajaja.
The other one ran away from that place wave did not know why until you cry inner ocultandoce behind a chair. Nn
already have an appointment with the doctor again! _me I aim to see me wave. O.0
emmm ...^^ U qu-liz friend of mine told me not finish because I took the neck and lift.
wave, I'm sorry you just acer_la lanze as hard as I could against the wall this is Agrita aciendo and left unconscious to swallow. Fiona and sally
only saw his friend reflected on the wall, come to the door and with just a glance isieron aside without saying nada.Entre and I sat in my seat, inner and approached yasu yasu me and told me olle
not think you paseste? _It pull up a chair.
she goes I seek what molestando_me lay on the palette. Nn
I already knew what your ivas to ganar_casi inner cry.
thanks for your apollo_no you look just kept lying.
olle tu!! _Between A green bird room and was heading to where I think you estaba_quien wave to hit! _me Volume of uniform sweater to see it.
you who you think to come and hand me amenazarme_quite sueter_ busco_le she got what she turned my back and I was gonna leave the room.
wanted to take the opportunity here to vengarce jet Wave asienome something to me, I would punch but yasu arrested him look into his eyes and said,
not attacked by the crash espalda_lo conjtra the blackboard and take the neck levantandolo_si going to attack that is front and a best advice do not you dare hurt her understand? S-si_se
held yasu's hand and could barely breathe. Yasu
As a jet that fell to the ground and try to catch my breath, I managed to hear the last thing he told yasu but devi jet being a few seconds to admire importante.Inner jet lying on the ground and then We reached the pasillo.Yo already arta of the same students come every day to confront and only accentuated the ridicolo I want a challenge large but also every step I get another of his amigo.Por vengarce So we decided that if anyone is going to confront that first Pienza it twice already will not pity anyone. Finally we got the patio which is the only place we know that nobody will challenge us, come to a tree and lay down, though it was raining (well it was sparking but it's the same X3) of the small group of sonic were approaching Ashh us and now also the good ones will come against us just lack the profes ¬ ¬. Olle
liz you are right? _It Approached the blue hedgehog.
to preguntas_ ise not much case closed my eyes.
unas_se we want you approached tails is a yellow fox with two tails. No_
as not? _It We approached amy_te winters you'll join us and say no?!
exact erizita_me sacudi_no me up and join them interests me.
and why not? _It I go over the bristles.
mmm ... it does not help me nadie_la ise intereza aside to open up paso_vamos and will cause an upset.
adios_se inner goodbye as we left.
anyone can leave me alone for a while u.uU_subi the stairs.
we all want from their lado_sonrrio yasu_y are right we are loving the strongest in the whole school. ¬ ¬
presumido_lo golpio elbow.
inner jealous? _le Answered the blow.
no_lo clear that push. Olle
fences certainly not to say that yo_se empizo always prepared to fight. I already have
arta all! Grite_no _me I turned and I are about little boys and I'm not your babysitter and Estenc so alone! 0.0
ok_dijeron at the same time.
entered the room and sat in our places in that it heard the bell, the teacher came up with physical exams and distributed them began. The review sought to put the symbol of all elements of the periodic table, after that came pure problems ohm's law, ideal gas, a real nightmare was slow to answer me but I finished a tiempo.Seguido of this review we History gave him I started to read and I do not know anything>. < esba estrezada me calme y conteste todo lo que pude se me hicieron cortitas las 2 horas que teniamos para resolver los dos examenes.Pero cuando sono la campanada senti un enorme alivio por ya salir de la escuela, siempre me espero junto con yasu e inner a que todos salgan porque para poder pasar esta imposible.Inner y yasu venian platicando de no se que detras mio lo unico que alcanze a escuchar fue que no se te olvide lo de mañana la verdad no le di mucha importancia pense que seria cosas de ellos como lo del futbal segun eso mañana no iriamos a la escuela por eso ya que el equipo de nuestro país jugaría. Yo solo pensaba en no hacer nada ese dia levantarme como asta las 11:00 y quedarme en mi casa.
We split up and we all went home I went to the park for a while (which is iso all day x3) when I saw now it was already 7:00 pm I ran to my house and bathe me I went to bed after I was happy that morning would not go to school but things happen Abes your plan ....
continue .. ^ ^
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